#Connected2015 Meet The Artists Part 1 - Karen Leach

May 10, 2015  •  3 Comments

Meet The Artists (Part 1)


As part of the #Connected exhibition we thought it would be interesting to add a little fun and a lighter side to things. The eBook will contain bios of the photographers involved as we used around the venue for the exhibition but some people have said they find it difficult writing bio's and they really only scratch the surface of who the people are in the exhibition.

So........ we thought it would be good to run a slightly less formal Q&A which folk get get involved if they chose, we decided to try and dig a little deeper into peoples experiences and inspiration within photography but also look across the art forms to find out what else people enjoyed doing creatively as well as asking some slightly more fun questions based around peoples musical tastes (we'll bring this together in the form of a Spotify playlist too) and importantly an opinion on the age old dilemma 'jaffa cake: cake or biscuit?' and yes many of you will remember Christine's fantastic full sized jaffa 'cake' from the launch event the other week ;-)


So without further a do, we shall press on with meeting our first #Connected photographer and see if it's cake or biscuit for them!


Name: Karen Leach

Thanks for taking a few minutes to tell us a little more about your self photographically, who are your photographic influences both historically and contemporary?

Frank Meadows Sutcliffe historically and Ian Forsythe contemporary


Thinking about your creative photographic journey, what are your aims for the coming year or two?

Simply, take more blummin' pictures and finish at least one of the two projects I have in mind!


As a photographer tell us about a location that you have a real affinity or connection to, why is this?

The north east coast, anywhere from Spurn point up! The landscape and diversity is wide ranging and immense.


A lot of photographers talk about how they use other arts such as music to connect with their creative side or drive their inspiration, tell us about some artists, albums or tracks which you listen to when trying to get into your 'creative zone'.

Anything emotive. From Joni Mitchell to Avenged Sevenfold.

Joni - Both sides Now
Avenged Sevenfold - Dear God


Once again thinking about your creative journey, what first sparked an interest in photography for you?

The fact that I can't draw, unless it's a technical drawing, and feeling the need to get my 'minds eye' out there somehow.


Do you have any other 'creative' interests which may or may not link to and inspire your photography?

I've played the violin, the clarinet, electronic keyboards and bass guitar in the past. I also blummin' love colouring! ;)


Thinking about the array of images we see on the internet and social media from photographer friends and connections, can you think of an image you have seen over the last few months which has made you really stop, look and think 'hey wow I really love that image'?

Paul Heathcote's french doors and Andrew Atkinson's macros.


.... and finally, can you consider one piece of advice you would give to anyone early in their photographic or creative journey?

Don't be a sheep, shoot for yourself, not for others.


Oh and a couple of really important additional questions here ;-) ........ who would be your ideal dinner party guests (6) dead or alive?

Terry Pratchett, Marilyn Monroe, Einstein, Curt Cobain, Jackie O & Mozart


Jaffa Cake: cake or biscuit?



Balls by Karen LeachBalls by Karen Leach Redrum by Karen LeachRedrum by Karen Leach  





many thanks
Easy-Essay.org review(non-registered)
Fast shade speed licenses picture takers to get unimaginable shots of moving subjects. If your electronic camera supports an all the more moderate shade speed, it is up 'til now attainable for you to shoot some magnificent movement shots. It may take some preparation, anyway try panning the camera, keeping the point of convergence with respect to the issue's action.
Andrew Atkinson(non-registered)
Thanks for the mention and look forward to the recital of all the instruments you play.
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